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Sunday, June 13, 2010

"FEMINIST"--can you be a Republican conservative?

There's a big controversy growing for the past two years. Can someone like Sarah Palin, with her charisma and woman-power, be accurately be termed a feminist? To SandyO, it's no problem. Since the accepted definition of feminism includes the affirmed belief that women and men should be entitled to fair and equal treatment so well stated in The Equal Rights Amendment, there's no way a pro-life or conservative or Republican woman embodies that long-accepted definition, no is the answer. Current proponents of all-women-in-the-same-basket toss around a new definition of feminist. To them a feminist is simply a powerful woman. View the video at

To me, the big differences are two: 1) Feminist ideology includes men; many men are feminists such as Alan Alda and all the men in our own Equal Rights Alliance, Inc. 2) Feminism is defined quite differently than is being cast about. 3) And, this is just my conjecture, --the purposes of Feminism differ, too. The historic feminist we are used to acts to further the goal of justice and fair treatment for men and women; it's an inherent philosophy. The other feminist seems to allow herself (it's only for women) to be used as a political icon, to say that Women Can Be Elected, Too (no matter their philosophy that seems to mimic the macho too close for my comfort).
This is my idea of a feminist as commonly accepted. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Wrote your comments here--we love getting them.

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