Causes and Consequences of the Increasing Numbers of Women in the Workforce
I recently read an article in The Economist, Female Power; Women in the Workforce, that states, “The economic empowerment of women across the rich world is one of the most remarkable revolutions of the past 50 years.”
The topic of the increasing number of women in business has always interested me because as a certified executive coach, one of the most prevalent issues women want to discuss is how they can obtain better work/personal life balance. Interestingly, this topic did not become an issue until women entered the workforce in increasing numbers and, as the article mentions, women became “caught in an ever-tightening tangle of commitments.”
So I decided to do a little research to better understand some of the main causes of the incredible increase in the number of women in the workplace over the last 50-75 years and then look at the consequences of this revolution of women at work.
Causes for the increase of women in the workforce:
- World War II labor shortages: Men heading off to fight in the war caused a labor shortage. The U.S. government created a campaign using the fictional character of Rosie the Riveter to lure women into working. “From 1940-1945, the female labor force grew by 50% and female employment in defense industries grew by 462%” ( This also shifted cultural attitudes, making it okay for middle class women to work, where previously it had been taboo.
- Rise of the feminist movement: The movement pushed for equal rights and liberation for women. As The Economist article states, “Feminists such as Betty Friedan have demonized domestic slavery and lambasted discrimination.”
- Economic necessity: With the increasing cost of living, for many women, working is an economic necessity in order to support their family.
- Passage of governmental equal rights acts: Examples include the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Presidential Executive Order in 1967, and The Equal Rights Amendment proposed in 1972.
- Rise of the service sector and decline of the manufacturing sector: This caused a growing demand for female workers. As The Economist article states about jobs, “When brute strength mattered more than brains, men had an inherent advantage. Now that brainpower has triumphed the two sexes are more evenly matched.”
- Expansion and increased access to higher education: This has allowed more women to go to college, thus increasing their ability to obtain jobs. In the 1949-1950 school year women earned 120,796 college degrees, or roughly 24% of all degrees earned. By the 2008-2009 school year, women had earned 1,849,200 college degrees, or roughly 60% of the total degrees (Digest of Education Statistics).
Consequences of the increasing number of women in the workforce:
- Increased purchasing power of women: “With female consumers controlling 85 percent of all purchase decisions, responsible for $7 trillion in spending, and 78 percent of women considering purchases more carefully, a woman’s wallet is more influential than ever before” (AdweekMedia).
- Business result improvements: According to research and advisory company, Catalyst, companies with the highest representation of women board members attain significantly higher financial performance than those with the lowest representation: 53% higher Return on Equity; 42% higher Return on Sales; and 66% higher Return on Invested Capital (Joy, et al, 2007).
- Increased Gross Domestic Product: The Economist article states, “Goldman Sachs calculates that, leaving all other things equal, increasing women’s participation in the labor market to male levels will boost GDP by 21% in Italy, 19% in Spain, 16% in Japan, 9% in America, France and Germany, and 8% in Britain.”
- Increased number of women owned businesses: In the U.S., “nearly 10.4 million firms are owned by women (50% or more), employing more than 12.9 million people, and generating $1.9 trillion in sales” (2007 Wow! Quick Facts: Women, p.50).
- Less time for mothers to spend with children due to their work schedules: There are definite downsides to women working. For example, mothers working full-time means they have busier schedules and less time to spend with children. “One third of all school age children in the United States are, for some part of the week, latch key kids; that is, they go home to an empty house or apartment” (Alston, 2007). As The Economist article warns, “Even well-off parents worry that they spend too little time with their children, thanks to crowded schedules and the ever-buzzing Blackberry.”
- Increased stress levels and changing roles: Harper and Leicht (Exploring Social Change: America and the World, 2007, p. 91) state, “The most pressing problem of dual-income families is not money, but the problem of managing ‘ragged’ family schedules and adjusting husband/wife roles.” Women are currently juggling full-time careers, managing household chores and child rearing duties, as well as taking care of aging parents, thus greatly increasing their level of daily stress compared to women of previous generations. Family relationships have also been shifting in dual-income families from patriarchal authority and “from fixed ‘role scripts’ toward more flexible ‘role negotiation’” and equalitarian relationships (p. 93).
- Difficulty accessing quality child care: Another pressing problem due to the increasing numbers of women working is access to quality child care, which Harper and Leicht (2007, p. 92) state “is in short supply and expensive.” For poor parents, the struggle can be even worse because “childcare eats a terrifying proportion of the family budget…but quitting work to look after the children can mean financial disaster” (The Economist, 2010, p.2).
- Changing how people work: In order to help workers meet both job and family requirements, more and more companies are allowing a portion of jobs to be completed via telecommuting and “home-working is increasingly fashionable” (The Economist, 2010, p. 3).
- Changing the school schedules of children: Even school districts are making changes in order to better match the school days of children with their parent’s dual-job households; thus alleviating some of the child care burden. “Some of the most popular American charter schools offer longer school days and shorter summer holidays” (The Economist, 2010, p. 4).
The analysis of the consequences from the increasing number of women in the workforce shows there have been many changes in business and family life. While some of the changes have been seen as positive, others have been seen as negative; and in some areas, the full social effects have yet to be felt.
How have you been affected, either positively or negatively, by the increasing number of women in the workforce? Share your thoughts in the “Comments” section.
~ Lisa Quast
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