ERA is BACK ~~!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

President Obama is behind us for the ERA

President Obama stands tall to declare support for gender-equal treatment, the ERA which still needs all YOUR help to pass into the US Constitution.

No, it did not pass in the first ten-year attempt. It barely missed passing by JUST 3 STATES! So, of the 15 yet-unratified states, the ERA only NEEDS 3 additional states' legislatures to vote to ratify it. Then it can pass into the US Constitution.

As it stands, the noun women or her, remain missing from our contract with our nation. If you are not mentioned in a contract, we all know that means we have no rights in that contract EXCEPT what the powerful wish to grant us! Men are mentioned 39 times, but, like women have no guarantees against sex discrimination. A Constitutional ERA would fix that.

We who are and have been working extremely hard under penurious circumstances (granting agencies tell us "equality of gender is too contentious"! Imagine that in our much-touted democracy.)

We need YOU to write us with your contact info. with an offer to help by making ONE PHONE CALL to a legislator when we need it. Like Right Now. With 2 bills before the Florida legislature for 10 years, for free, for you, we need to show massive, widespread strength from the public. 88% say they support an ERA in the Constitution.

Are YOU one of them? Then email me at Do it now, before I grow a long gray beard. I promise not to die yet if you do.

sandyo, ERA Inc
The President's position:

Recently, President Obama said “History shows that countries are more prosperous and more peaceful when women are empowered.” This principle rings true in every country and every era. Of note, that recent quote originates from a speech he was making about the Middle East and North Africa. This basic truth resonates just as strongly at home. That is why this Administration is committed to protecting and advancing the role of women and girls in every aspect of society. From protecting women’s health to helping women realize their full economic potential; and from ending violence against women to promoting international women’s rights, I am gratified to know and report that this Administration is working each day to improve the lives of women and girls in the United States and around the world.

Tina Tchen is Assistant to the President, Chief of Staff to the First Lady, and Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls

Don't ignore us and our plea to communicate with us--WRITE ME, now. Thanks!

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