ERA is BACK ~~!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

We NEED You; Please email us

This petition is one that is bonafide, legitimate and will actually go to the committee that will hear our new ERA bill filed before US Congress on March 8 2011. It urges votes to pass this bill, HJRes 47, which will eliminate any perception of a deadline or time limit from the original and still alive ERA and gives legitimacy to passage into the US Constitution once 3 more states' legislatures do vote to ratify the ERA! Here's the url to pull up the petition and get it sent!--
This is the MOST IMPORTANT action you can take right now to propel the ERA!

HJRes was designed by Carolyn Cook (DC), Jean Landwebber (Wisconsin), Camille Moran (Louisiana), Sandy Oestreich, (FL), after a year and a half's work (in addition to all other state and other ERA work that fills our days).

We are proud of the outcome, the work we are doing now to secure more co-sponsors to HJRes and a Prime Sponsor for the Senate bill.

Realizing that we cannot do this alone, without a loud, vocal, organized set of ERA Activists across the country, we do urge you

1. to contact any 3 additional UNratified states' legislatures (see for a map of the 15 unratifieds) phone, visit and work with your legislators to cosponsor US Congressional HJRes 47 and any state ratification bills

2. find out who runs your state ERA lobbying effort ( can tell you who it is.

3. stay the course with your support for our ERA workforce, asking what more you can do.

WE NEED TO BE MAKING TONS OF NOISE for HJRes 47 and YOUR state efforts (7 states are now filing ERA ratification bills.

4. failing personal help for ERA per the above for whatever reason, email me for quick, noncost ways to target influentials, make a 3 min. speech, hold a rally, write a Letter to Editor on why we need an ERA.

ALL of these are exquisitely important to boost our efforts. Be a Miracle, write me today.

5. can't be active out on the hustings, in the boonies, whatever? DONATE whatever you can; some of the states' leaders spend upwards of $13, 000 per year out of their pockets for propelling ERA.

Can you do one small, nocost thing for ERA? Let me know:


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